Friday, October 3, 2014

God Blessed the Furnace

I have a lot of things I've wanted to blog about lately but haven't really made the time, so I'll have to get back to those. Two days ago we turned on the furnace for the first time in our new house. I say new but really its over 50 years old. Well the furnace didn't turn off.... the house just kept getting hotter and hotter and nothing we tried with the thermostat worked. Eventually we just had to flip the switch on the furnace itself to get it off. Then yesterday when I went to turn it on because the kids and I were really cold and the space heater wasn't doing enough, it wouldn't turn on at all. Nothing I did worked and when John got home nothing he tried worked either. Throughout the day as I got colder I started to get a little depressed. I knew this is something we would be able to get fixed, I just didn't know how much it was going to cost and how long it would be till we did.

Then today, still nothing. We just couldn't get it to turn on......

Around lunch time I was texting my best friend who I haven't talked to for a few months, thankfully not thinking of my own problems for once in my life, and she told me about something that had happened in her life and I was so impressed by her faith. Everything she said was so uplifting and I was reminded of how God loves each of us so personally. I hate that right now I struggle to see that. I have no reason to forget how amazing He is to us, yet I do. After talking to her I started cleaning up the kids as they finished eating lunch, feeling blessed for being uplifted and suddenly I realized I was smelling a weird smell. And all of a sudden it hit me the furnace was on!!!! By itself, and then a reasonable amount of time later it turned off (and since then it has happened twice)! John had done something to it while he was home for lunch but neither of us thought it would do anything. I know this seems like such a small thing but to me, having two small children and long, cold, Wyoming winter ahead of us, this is huge. This is a real answer to my prayers. And I know our heating problems might not be over, but this is how God let me feel His love right now and I feel overwhelming blessed! If it hadn't been for that conversation with my friend maybe I would have missed this and passed it off as coincidence, but I know it's much more than that. I am reminded that He is in the details of our lives and anything that is important to us is important to Him because He is our father and he loves us beyond our comprehension.

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